Sunday, August 14, 2022

Nocturna at Spring Bay Mill Triabunna Tasmania

On the night of a Full Moon  a small group from our Astronomical Society of Tasmania travelled to Triabunna, Tasmania to do some public 'side-walk' style astronomy to the patrons of Tasmania's premier dark sky event Nocturna at the Spring Bay Mill

Cloudy drama!  We were hoping to at least get some moon observations going but the clouds had thier own agenda for the night.


Clouds unfortunately dominated the evening but fabulous skyward views nonetheless!

Mathew, Dallas and an event participant.

The Amphitheatre, a fabulous performance space.

The Main Complex 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Partial Solar Eclipse over Tasmania 4th December 2021

A group from the Astronomical Society of Tasmania gathered at the Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory to view a small solar eclipse in the evening of 4th December 2021 around 8pm. Clouds threatened but we got some great sights of the eclipse regardless.  I managed to take the solar shots with a smart phone through the eyepiece of a William Optics ZS70 refractor with a solar filter attached.   There were no sunspots visible but the grainy detail of the sunspots surface was visually evident seen through a Coranado PST.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Clarendon National Trust Estate October 20th 2012


Monique looking through a Coronado PST (Personal Solar Telescope)

Bob's turn

Coranado PST on a Vixen Polaire

Lunar Halo